
A catalog and history of Holtzapffel lathes


Books & Publications by Holtzapffel

Holtzapffel & Co. Catalogue of Lathes and Tools, published by Holtzapffel & Co, London, circa 1824, 1834, 1844.

Sundry Designs for Amateur Turners (as Manufactured by Holtzapffel & Deyerlein), by Holtzapffel and Deyerlein. 1824. 6 pages. Lithogr. incl. text and 8 plates from designs by Jacob Petit.

A brief Account of Ibbetson's Geometric Chuck, Manufactured by Holtzapffel & Co.: With a selection of specimens illustrative of some of its powers. By John Holt Ibbetson, often with bound-in manuscript titled Additional Notes on Ibbetson's Geometric Chuck by Charles Holtzapffel. 1833. The book consists of 47 pages, and the manuscript continues the pagination up to page 77 with a 2 page table of settings. Both are illustrated throughout. Download from Internet Archive

A New System of Scales of Equal Parts: Applicable to Various Purposes of Engineering, Architectural and General Science, (and related, List of Scales of Equal Parts), by Charles Holtzapffel. Published by J. Weale, 1838. 45 pages.

On a Scale of Geometrical Equivalents for Engineering and Other Purposes, by Charles Holtzapffel. Published by Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, 1838. 1 pages. From the London and Edinburgh philosophical magazine and journal of science for July 1838.

Specimens of Amateur Printing: by Means of the Press Invented by Mr. Cowper, by Holtzapffel & Co. Published by Holtzapffel, 1840. 51 pages.

Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 1 - Materials, Their Choice, Preparation and Various Modes of Working Them, by Charles Holtzapffel, 1843. This covers materials: tortoise shell, ivory, horn, amber, slate, marble, semi-precious and precious stones. Their preparation, working properties and ornamental characteristics. Also the stability of woods used in turnery. The manufacture of cast and malleable iron and alloys, forging, hardening, casting and founding, joining and rolling sheet metals, and various methods of soldering. Reprint currently available by Astragal Press, ISBN 1-879335-46-8, 235 x 153 mm. xvi + 480 pp. 300 illustrations. Paperback. View on Google Books or Download from Internet Archive

Working Horn, Ivory and Tortoiseshell, by Charles Holtzapffel. 1843. An extract from Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 1. 48 pages. illustr. (Reprint available from Cabor Press, or View Vol. 1 on Google Books or Download Vol. 1 from Internet Archive)

Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 2, by Charles Holtzapffel, 1846. This covers the construction, action and application of cutting tools and the machines derived from hand tools. Detailed explanations of the various types of chisels, plane irons, turning, boring and screw cutting tools, saws, files, shears, punches, vises, and spindles, plus planing and shaping machines. More than 700 illustrations. Advertisements at the end of the publication are of particular interest, containing price lists for various tools and ornamental turning apparatus, along with numerous illustrations of the cutting frames and the results they produce. Reprint of the 1875 edition currently available by Astragal Press, ISBN 11879335395, 235 x 153 mm. xii + 568 pp. Paperback. Download from Internet Archive

Printing Apparatus for the Use of Amateurs, by Charles Holtzapffel. 1846. Containing full and practical instruction for the use of Cowper's parlour printing press. Also the description of larger presses on the same principle, and various other apparatus for the amateur typographer. 80 pages. Numerous illustrations. (Reprint ISBN 0900002603, 9780900002601) Download from Internet Archive

A New System of Decimal Gages Or Measures for Sheet Metals, Wires, and Small Manufactured Articles Generally: Based on the Decimal Subdivision of the Standard Inch, Including the Exact Decimal Values of the Gages Now Principally Used for These Purposes in the Mechanical Arts, by Charles Holtzapffel. Published by Holtzapffel & Co., 1846.  29 pages. (Extracted from pages 287 to 291 of Vol. 1 and the Appendix of Vol. 2 of Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Download Vol. 1 from Internet Archive and Download Vol. 2 from Internet Archive)

Printing apparatus for the use of amateurs, by Holtzapffel and Co. 1846.

Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 3, by Charles Holtzapffel. 1850 (published posthumously). Revised by John Jacob Holtzapffel in 1894. This volume covers abrasive and other processes not accomplished with cutting tools: shaping and polishing stone and marble; grinding and sharpening of cutting tools to precise forms and angles; producing cylindrical, spherical, conical and plane surfaces; glass cutting and etching, lens grinding and polishing; diamond drilling and grinding; saw sharpening and setting; grinding of internal cylinders; lapidary work; gem and glass engraving; watchmaker's turning tools; varnishing, lacquering and bronzing. This second edition has 300 pp. of revisions and 250 extra woodcuts. Reprint of the 1894 second edition available from Astragal Press, ISBN 1879335476, 235 x 153 mm. xx + 796 pp. 771 figures in 430 illustrations and 2 full plates. Paperback. Download from Internet Archive

Elliptical Cutting Frame, by Holtzapffel & Co., 1851. Four page leaflet. (Document held at Museum of English Rural Life)

The Handbook for the Artisan, Mechanic and Engineer, by Charles Holtzapffel, Oliver Byrne. Published by J. K. Collins, Jr., 1853. 483 pages .

Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 4 – Hand Or Simple Turning: Principles and Practice, by John Jacob Holtzapffel, 1879. This volume introduces all phases of the simple lathe, including history and utilization. Details the division plate and index, boring collars, slide rest, spiral apparatus, lifting blocks and lengthening bearers, chucks and apparatus for holding the work in the lathe. Provides instruction in turning softwood, hardwood, ivory, metal, and screw cutting, with many specific projects demonstrating the power of the lathe in producing numerous functional and fantastical objects. Reprint of the 1881 edition currently available from Dover Press, ISBN: 0-486-26567-9 ISBN-13: 9780486264288, 235 x 153 mm. xvi + 592 pp. 771 figures and 22 plates. Paperback. View on Google Books, Download from Internet Archive, or Purchase on Amazon

Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, vol. 5 – The Principles and Practice of Ornamental Or Complex Turning, by John Jacob Holtzapffel, 1884. Of particular interest to those collecting, restoring or operating a Holtzapffel or similar ornamental turning lathe, this volume is a highly detailed instruction manual covering all aspects of ornamental turning apparatus. Text organized according to various cutting frames and chucks, describing and illustrating their use both independently and in combination. Reprint currently available by Dover Press, ISBN 0486265676, 9780486265674. 656 pages, 600 illus. View on Google Books or Purchase from Amazon

The Family of Holtzapffel: With the Collateral Branches, by Charles Victor Holtzapffel, 1876.

Additional Notes on Ibbetson's Geometric Chuck, by Charles Holtzapffel. (Date unknown)

Home Made Lathes (Date unknown)

Wave Line Patterns on Surfaces. Limited circulation article published by Holtzapffel & Co. (Date unknown). 12 pages of
typescript with 11 photographs and other illustrations.

Ornamental Lathe for Rose Turning Constructed by Holtzapffel & Co. (Date unknown)

Notes on the Rose Chuck & Pumping Apparatus, by John George Holtzapffel Budd. 1885. Limited publication by Holtzapffel & Co. Very few copies made. 25 pages of typescript with 17 photographs and other illustrations. A related article appeared in the 1892 edition of "Engineering Magazine."

Description of a Machine for Producing Rosettes, by John George Holtzapffel Budd, 1897. Details the machine designed and constructed by Charles Holtzapffel around 1840.

The Oblique Chuck, by John George Holtzapffel Budd. Manuscript notes that describe Bazley's oblique chuck and its uses. (Date unknown)

Holtzapffel & Co. Catalogue of Secondhand Lathes, 1899.

Education in Handicraft. (Date unknown)

The Rose Cutting Frame. Small circulation booklet published by Holtzapffel & Co. Illustrates rosettes and details the Holtzapffel rosette numbering system. (Date unknown)

A Manual of Wood Carving, by Charles G. Leland, revised by John J. Holtzapffel, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1897. Reprinted in 1909. 162 pages. Numerous black and whites plates, profusely illustrated with printpress examples of tools and designs. Download from Internet Archive

Holtzapffel & Co. Catalogue of Lathes and Tools, published by Holtzapffel & Co, London, circa 1911-1923. 64 pages. Numerous illustrations.

British Empire Hardwoods, From the point of View of Turnery, by A.L. Hetherington, with a forward by Major J. G. Holtzapffel Budd. Published by H. M. Stationary Office, London, 1931. Includes b/w photo of Holtzapffel ornamental lathe.

Photographic Designs for Turning, published by Holtzapffel & Co. (Date unknown.) Contains approximately 31 photographs.

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